I had the honor and fortune to pay my respects at Ground Zero today, coming back from a business meeting. It really is quite awesome to place yourself there where it all happened. I also feel I got a chance to pay my respects to all those who lost their lives here, whose lives were affected, and who gave (and continue to give) their hearts and bodies to saving lives, digging through the rubble, cleaning it up, and now building new buildings and memorials that honor the power and sacredness of this place.
I watched the construction workers working on the new memorials, and I thought, whereas most construction is "just a job", those working here are truly blessed and are doing a labor of love.
I also went to the small little museum in honor of 9/11. What an incredible, moving exhibit. It was all so personal, with simple artifacts and quotes and stories from those who lived through it. Each artifact had meaning and impact - the melted, destroyed window from a plane, a half-burnt menu from Windows on the World, a fireman's helmet and torn jacket, and a wall covered with copies of all the "missing person" leaflets that were placed out by desperate families looking for their loved ones. I am not one to cry easily, but I was in tears many times as my heart leaped to my throat.
Then, downstairs, was a place you could leave a note for everyone, and many of these were placed lovingly on a wall for all to read. People from around the world expressed their love, their sadness, and their hope. This place is impactful, important, and very moving. I highly recommend everyone try to make it here at least once.
I also saw the plans for the new memorial. Truly beautiful - two square waterfalls going into the ground in the place of the original towers, with the names of all who perished around the walls of the waterfall, inset in a beautiful contemplative garden of oak trees.

Today was a crisp, clear blue September day here in New York, much like the day 9 years ago when this happened. What happened here was so horrific, but now it feels like there is a power here that holds it with great care, with gentle, loving hands. You feel yourself bow inwardly in prayer and respect, and offer your love and blessings.
So, in honor of the memories of all who lost their lives and their loved ones here, I offer my blessing:
May we all experience and offer love and protection, and may we always remember that each and every life in this world is supremely precious and sacred.Om Shanti Shanti Shantihi (OM peace, peace, peace).