Friday, September 07, 2007

Sam Ruby plays with CouchDB

Sam Ruby has some things to say about CouchDB, in particular, how it has the same interface regardless of the type of client.

What API’s/drivers to I need to integrate it with Ruby?

What API’s/drivers would I need to integrate it with Java?

What API’s/drivers would I need to integrate it with AJAX?

What API’s/drivers would I need to integrate it with...

oh, you get my point.

Do HTTP and JSON work with existing J2EE servers? You betcha.

What tooling to I need? Um, a browser, perhaps?

What I think is interesting to note is that JDBC/ODBC/ are all APIs on top of the same protocol, too. It's just the the underlying protocol is non-standard, whereas HTTP and JSON are standard. So developers can write straight to the underlying protocol rather than needing a specific API for their particular programming environment.

Anyway, time for a second look at CouchDB. I don't know how I missed that the first time I saw it, but it has full bidirectional replication for offline support. That's nothing to be sniffed at...

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