I am surprised myself to find out how less often I'm blogging now that I'm a more active user of Twitter. I mean, why should that be - two very different mediums, and two very different purposes.
I think it must be a matter of focus and energy. When I have something I want to share, I go to the medium I am most active on/familiar with. Before Twitter (and long after Twitter was around) that was my blog.
But now I find I can share a lot of my thoughts quickly on Twitter. But I also miss the longer musings that I would do on my blogs.
I keep *wanting* to post more stuff on my blog, but it keeps not happening.
It could also be that I'm much busier. Life on NetBeans was a little low key - working from home, the team in Prague, and my feature low on the priority list. Not so at my new job - I've got tight deadlines, I'm the office each day, busy busy busy. So sitting down to write a blog post is often just not an option. I can barely squeeze in a tweet.
I know some of my Dear Readers are not Tweet-aholics and maybe even are avid Twee-totalers. So I did want to share one option - you can view my Twitter stream as an RSS feed. I only post a few things a day at most, so it's not like it will be overwhelming. In particular, this is where I post many of my links of things I have found interesting/compelling on the 'net.
Here's my Twitter RSS feed: